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Still the fragmentary images from the movies I saw would not connect up properly. In some cases, I even remembered titles but not the movies that went with them. Such an instance was Hell and High Water—who could forget it? I remember being astonished by my first image of an atomic explosion—surely the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen—and the thrilling incident when one submarine rams another, but I didn’t realise they all belonged together. This movie is rarely shown these days and with good reason. It’s a preposterous yarn of how Richard Widmark commands a privately owned submarine to try and stop the Red Chinese from dropping an A-bomb on Tokyo from a US bomber, thus blaming the Yanks. The sneaky rotten sods. It was pro-McCarthyist, sexist, racist, everything-ist really but what would a nine-year-old care of these things amid such terrific action. And that atomic explosion was, and is, a thing of great and terrible beauty.

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