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  • I won’t sail in a bathtub. A tub is no place for me. I was meant for bigger things. Sail, little tugboat sail, and Scruffy the Tugboat sailed down the stream, through the meadows past the nosy cows, into the brook and into the creek, through the villages past floating logs, into the river and through the towns, past the factories and through the floods, through the city and into the harbour and out to sea.

  • “Oh, oh!” cried Scruffy. “There is no beginning and there is no end to the sea.”

But the man in the polka-dot tie snatched him up from the end of the pier and now he sails from one end of the bathtub to the other . This is the place for a red-painted tugboat. This is the place for me

“Jesus, Ella. He’s worse than tryin’ ter bath a bloody dog!”
“I won’t have that word spoken in my house !”
“Only word that suits.”
“You didn’t used to swear so much before he came along!”
Yeah, that’s right. You even got blamed for your father’s swearing.

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