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I never believed in flying saucers, and Major Donald Keyhoe, who apparently had worked closely with the US agency that investigated close encounters, wrote one of the more factual books on the subject—factual in the sense that there was some official basis to the reports of sightings and abductions—but he failed to convert me. His Flying Saucers from Outer Space did not convince me at the time—contrary to Keyhoe’s intention—that these phenomenon were visitors from other planets. However, he did persuade me of the idea that I hold to this day—that the phenomenon itself exists, whether mass hysterical delusions, bad dreams, secret experimental US aircraft or a nasty plot by a covert agency to manipulate the US government. Moreover, I believe such an invasion could occur and maybe even has occurred, perhaps several times. But I’m sure they don’t or won’t come in flying saucers, or anything that we might recognise as a spaceship. They are more likely to come as viruses (perhaps they already do) or energy fields causing climate or atmospheric changes.
    Just for the record, the very atomic elements upon which all technology is based are themselves invaders from other worlds.


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