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The frogs desired a king and so they prayed to Zeus. “Send us a king who will rule over us!” they cried. Zeus responded to their pleas by throwing down a log which went kersplash! in the water with a mighty wave but then settled and floated in the middle of the pond. The frogs were terrified at first but gradually grew bolder. One approached the log and touched it in awe. Nothing happened. Then they all touched it. Still nothing. They climbed onto the log. No reaction. And soon they were singing and dancing all over King Log. It was a very fine log but not a very satisfactory king. They prayed again to Zeus. “King Log just sits there and does nothing. He’s no good. Send us down a real king who will really rule over us.” So Zeus sent them a stork who waded about the pond, gobbling up the frogs who repented but too late.
At night your sister read you Æsop’s Fables..

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